Soon as you receive your product, the adjustment is made in 5 quite simple steps.

Step 1: Product Reception

Your pair of CTEK insoles have been custom-made to suit the anthropometry of your feet. This painstaking work has been done by experts in the field. Take them out of the bag and identify the insole of the right foot and left foot.

Comparison with your existing sole

Normally, your shoes have a basic insole provided by your shoe manufacturer inside your shoe. Remove it, layer it with your CTEK sole. Compare the size of these. If they are the same size, put your CTEK sole in the right foot shoe (right or left) and wear them. If not, take the next step.

Étape 3 : Découpe aux ciseaux du bout avant de la semelle

 In case you have compared the 2 insoles (CTEK and manufacturer), take a pencil to trace the difference in length to the back of the CTEK sole. Once the line is done, take a scissors and remove the excess material of your CTEK soles.

In case you cannot compare the length with the shoe manufacturer’s insole, take a rule to measure and put there under the CTEK sole and take a measurement to remove 2mm at the front of the sole. Take the scissors and cut the excess. Then move on to step 4. If the sole is still too long, repeat step 3 until the CTEK sole fits perfectly.

Step 4: Trying in the shoe

Once your CTEK soles are well cut, please introduce them to the right side of the shoe. Wear them. Sometimes you need to adjust the lacing to give a little to free up space on your front foot. Walk for a few minutes with your CTEK soles to put them in your shoes.

Step 5: Repeat Step 4 or you are ready to use them.

Normally your custom CTEK soles should you go like a glove. However, sometimes some people may feel increased support at the arch of the foot, which is normal if you have never had custom soles. Your foot is now well supported on the entire plantar surface for better support and comfort. Normally, this discomfort disappears after a few hours of use.